Optimizing Benefits for Each Generation through the Segic Platform


In the ever-evolving field of employee benefits, one truth remains: the one-size-fits-all approach is outdated. This is where Segic steps in, offering an innovative solution tailored to the diverse generational needs of today.

The Generational Puzzle

Each generation brings its own values, expectations, and life stages to the workplace. While the generational puzzle isn’t new, what’s revolutionary is how Segic enables companies to address it through its Benefits Marketplace. Beyond recognizing the diverse needs of each generation, Segic provides a comprehensive platform that integrates a Benefits Marketplace, allowing organizations to offer flexible, voluntary, optional, and individual group benefits.

Tailored Benefits

Segic’s approach meets the market’s demands and the flexibility it requires, thanks to a platform that enables customization based on the needs and preferences of each employee. This allows companies to genuinely provide a core plan, supplemented by a menu of options tailored to each stage of life. Soon, the platform will also introduce well-being perks to enhance employee engagement and improve their overall well-being.

Supporting our Claims with Statistics:

Generational Diversity at Work: According to the Pew Research Center in 2021, 44% of the global workforce was comprised of Millennials, 38% of Generation X, 16% of Baby Boomers, and 2% of the Silent Generation.

Source : https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2023/05/17/diversity-equity-and-inclusion-in-the-workplace/

Benefits Preferences by Generation: A study by Glassdoor revealed that 90% of Millennials view benefits and perks as a major deciding factor when accepting a job offer. For Generation X, flexibility, like remote work, is often cited as a primary benefit.

  1. Source : https://www.glassdoor.com/employers/blog/employee-benefits-what-each-generation-wants/
  2. Source : https://www.purdueglobal.edu/education-partnerships/generational-workforce-differences-infographic/

Communication and Technology: According to Deloitte, 74% of Millennials believe modern technologies make them more effective at work.

Source: https://www2.deloitte.com/us/en/insights/focus/technology-and-the-future-of-work/working-digitally.html

Engagement and Well-being: Gallup found only 33% of employees are engaged at work. However, companies offering well-being benefits experience a 40% increase in employee engagement.

Source: https://www.futureofbusinessandtech.com/employee-wellbeing/the-link-between-employee-engagement-and-well-being/

Role of Brokers and Insurers: A study by Willis Towers Watson revealed 92% of employers believe their broker plays a crucial role in the design and implementation of their insurance programs.

Communication is Key

Segic’s platform also streamlines communication. Understanding that each generation has its communication preferences, Segic provides a digital solution tailored to everyone’s needs. Be it Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, or Generation Z, every employee can interact with the platform in a way that’s right for them.

The Future is Here

The era of strategic benefits planning has arrived. With groundbreaking solutions like Segic, employers are better equipped to cater to the unique needs of each generation.

If you aim to revolutionize the benefits management for your diverse workforce, see Segic as your indispensable technology ally to navigate the complex professional landscape today. Let’s not forget the pivotal role your broker, actuary, or insurer holds in the financial structuring of your group insurance program. However, by integrating this group insurance into the array of benefits offered by the organization, it enhances and highlights the contributions of every key player at the table.

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